Thursday, October 2, 2008

District Soils CDE

FFA District Soils CDE
October 7 – 8th, @ Crook County. Bus leaves at 2:00 on Tuesday.

We will be camping out at Jerry and Kristi Breese ranch. Jerry and the Crook County FFA will be providing hamburger and hotdogs Tuesday night. Students will need to bring a lunch for Wednesday.

List of students who have indicated to me they will be participating: Updated 10/2/08

Advance Team
Avery Overton
Joe Carlon
Daniel Miles
Kori Worthington
Jessica Kelly
Andre Borlak
Alex Defender
Sydnee Bias

Beginning Team
Elijah Puckett
Shayne Dinger
Kody Worthington
Kourtney Worthington
Calvin Bowers
JJ Smith
Felicia Bias
Adam Henkel

Official dress is not required for this event. Be sure to pack warm clothes and bring all your soils evaluation tools: knife, water bottle, calculator, clipboard, writing utensil, mud rag, boots and a rain coat.

Other items to bring: tent, sleeping bag, toiletries, towel, lunch, flashlight, cell phone…I’m sure I’m forgetting something…

Students need to make sure they have turned in their pre-arranged absent sheet and their FFA participation form that I sent out the first week of school.

Any questions or concerns, please give me a call on my cell. 977-3106