FFA makes a difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for: premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
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On May 26th, twenty-seven of our chapter members headed up to Redmond for the Central Oregon District Shop Skills Career Development Event. Culver,Madras,Bend,CrookCounty, Sisters,ShermanCounty and the North Lake chapter all gathered in the shop of RedmondHigh School to put our skills to the test. In this contest there are many different events the members compete in. The NorthLake chapter has been successful in this contest for over eight years, and has continued to place first or second. This year our chapter brought home a red banner. The Shop Skills event is a very exciting contest for all our members. There is always at least one contest that suits each person. This competition gives the students the chance to show off their skills and technique in what they do best. The contest is designed to help students make the connection between the relationships and the relevance of what they are learning in their agriculture and other academic classes.In addition to the obvious vocational skills and knowledge, students must also be adroit with basic English and math skills, such as correct spelling, fractions, times tables, measuring systems, metric/standard conversions, geometry and other mathematic formulas.
The following is a list of the members who competed and their individual placing.
Located in the high desert region in the heart of Oregon, the The North Lake FFA Chapter is one of seven FFA programs that make up the Central Oregon FFA District. The other chapters are Bend, Crook County, Culver, Redmond, Madras and Sherman County.
Well drained soils, cool Summer nights and little threat of rain during the curing process has allowed North Lake alfalfa farmers to produce some of the highest quality hay in the world. Most of the hay is shipped to dairy farms in the Tillamook region, or pressed and exported to Japan and Korea. For more information, click on the image to go to the Lake County Hay Growers Assocation website.
North Lake FFA Agricultural Advisory Committee
LeeRoy Horton - Chairman
Lynda Hunt
Ron Johnson
Ed Henkel
Blaine Nofziger
Scott Duffner
Leon Baker
Mike House
Dan Parks
Courses offered through the Agricultural Science and Technology program